メンテナンスに伴う一時サービス停止のお知らせ (English translation below)
【 作業内容 】地域BWAファームウェアアップデート作業
【作業日時】2023年3月23日(木) AM 3:00 ~ AM 5:00
The service will be temporarily suspended due to base station maintenance.
Within the following time, The service outages about 3 minutes.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your continued cooperation.
Temporarily out of service in order of maintenance.
It will be stopped several times in the below date and time. The stopping time is about 15 minutes.
We would ask for your continuing cooperation.
【Work description】Farmware update
【Date and time】2023.09.09(Fri) AM 1:30~AM 3:30
・Service will be suspended for approximately 30 minutes once during the above time period.